Happy Birthday!



It’s 12:06. That means six minutes ago marked the 44th anniversary of the beautiful woman who brought me into this world. Yep, you have her to thank. And yes I know she’s young (I’m 24), and a hottie.

You’ve read about her before , but I’ll mention her epicness again; she gave me my pale skin and my she listens to me complain and she  has seen me through all the dark times.

So – if you’re creepin’ on WordPress between now (12:13 AM, Monday) and 12 AM tomorrow night, please join me in wishing my awesome mama a very happy 44th birthday! I’d love to get her as many likes/comments as possible as part of her birthday present. I’m broke.

Happy Monday everyone!






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17 responses to “Happy Birthday!

  1. Happy Birthday Nicole Marie’s Mama!!!!

  2. Here, here / Let’s all cheer! / Buy Nicole’s Mama /another beer!

  3. Le Clown

    Nicole Marie’s Mother,
    I wanted to make your day special. So here it is: your very own private Le Clown birthday wishes. There. Special.
    Le Clown

  4. Happy Birthday to you, Nicole Marie’s Mama! You raised a beautiful, creative daughter and we’re glad you did such a good job. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  5. calahan

    Happy Birthday, Mother of Nicole the Blogger Whom I Enjoy Reading!

  6. Happy birthday to Nicole’s mommy!!

  7. Happy Birthday, K-Paq! I am soooooo much older than you! Capricorns!

  8. Wow your mama looks young!! I know I missed the mark but happy happy birthday to her! 🙂

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