Tag Archives: powerful

House of Revolving Style

Today’s Prompt:

How important are clothes to you? Describe your style, if you have one, and tell us how appearance impacts how you feel about yourself.

















For a person with self-esteem issues, clothes are very important to me. The right outfit (and some makeup) can make me stand a bit taller, walk a bit faster, and smile a little more.

I change my style, a lot. My hair goes from brunette to red, from medium to pixie short, and one day extensions are thrown in. Depending on my mood, I’m either channeling Molly with a wool fedora and hot pink lipstick or spending the day in a bookstore in a turtleneck and floral skirt. A cute jean jacket and collared shirt make me feel fun and flirty; the skirt and modest long-sleeved shirt make me feel serious and intelligent. It’s amazing, what clothes can do.

Unsure how I’d describe my own style, I turned to the husband.

Me: “Charlie, if I had to describe my style, how would I?”

Charlie: “I don’t know. No idea.”

Me: “Come on, think of something.”

Charlie: “I’m gonna change the channel, OK?” ::goes back to watching television::

Me: “Thanks for the material. I’ll take back that porkroll sandwich I made you!”

Charlie: “It’s not porkroll anyway!” (So it’s turk-roll. Excuse me.)

Love him. ❤

All I'm missin' is Ducky!

All I’m missin’ is Ducky!















Still unsure how I’d describe my own style, I guess I’d settle on eighties eclectic. Although I consider my style diverse, it seems every outfit I put on somehow reminds Joe of his teen years, and that’s okay with me. I do love the eighties.

Sometimes, though, I like to attempt more of a classic look, with a glam yet gothic edge. This is what I was going for on our wedding day, and I was so happy with the results. I felt beautiful and glamorous.

One of my favorites.

One of my favorites.

The best friend and I.

The best friend and I.

Clothing gives me the ability to be a chameleon. I can drape myself in colors and textures that reflect my mood and make me feel powerful.

Constantly revolving my style keeps me excited about me – looking in the mirror each day and seeing the same thing doesn’t gain me any confidence; being whoever I want to at any given moment does.


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