
I know a woman

who is existing in parallels,

yawning away the days

in a bone yard.


she shapeshifts

in the rain, she

swallows compliments

to thicken her lackluster skin.


I keep her under my tongue,

I keep her beneath the nails

on each broken index finger

and she is a trigger

I threaten to pull

with every aching silent wonder

that dresses me in starlight.


she comes up for air as often as a fish;

I am putting her to bed with dreams.


in secret I am heeding

her advice, because

our hands are the hands

that shift the universe.


and I’ve learned how

to sew to hide the damage,

maybe even to pretend

I don’t need any of this.


Filed under Writing

4 responses to “shapeshifting

  1. kp

    Wow….very powerful piece!

  2. Gorgeous. When is your book coming out?

  3. Just WOW!
    You had me from the start of the poem. Then you sealed my heart with the final words.
    Just WOW!

    “and I’ve learned how

    to sew to hide the damage,

    maybe even to pretend

    I don’t need any of this.”

So...what do you think?