Letter to Someone

Dear You



rotten, impossible you


my bones are tired as the

corners of my waterfall mouth.


I scream at walls instead of

your crumpled cardboard promises;

I call on the projectionist to

turn off the lights in your eyes.


If you’d only

remove stone fingers

from flowered ear canals,


If you’d only

uncurl the fists you

shake at nothingness


maybe then you could

reach out long enough to feel

how brittle I’ve become in your wake.




Filed under Writing

8 responses to “Letter to Someone

  1. I love this sooo inspirational

  2. Kir Piccini

    this stopped my day, blew me away.

  3. Raeesha W

    Wow! Very strong and inspirational!

  4. Incredible. As always. ♡ Tryst

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