a poet to her son

the holy thrumming of the fan

in our bedroom is chanting your

lullaby in protective undertones.


I am cozy, staring into the poised

bassinet that will hold you just less

than cocooned to me in ten short weeks.

I practice knowing the smell of you,

I stay up later than I’m barely able just

to shake hands with the exhaustion

we’ll happily lend a room to.


and you – you are practicing self defense

beneath my flesh; to you, the only world there is.

I could make tiny wishes that you’d some day

tell me what my heartbeat sounds like from the inside:

glass-smooth jazz, a jagged pop beat?


I like to imagine my writer’s heart

beats like the honey of a romance novel,

appreciating with intensity every soft thump of life.


I question that you’ll read my work

(hold it high as Hamlet held Yorick’s skull)

hold it up to the light and memorize every vein,

test it for disease – or else wave it away as novelty.

at least do me this favor, son: read every word.

chance it. swallow it down and throw it up if you must.

this is your story, the most important I’ll ever write.


Filed under Writing

222 responses to “a poet to her son

  1. Mom

    fluid. It carried me away floating 🙂

  2. runningonsober

    Oh my god honey this blew me away. So beautiful.

  3. “swallow it down and throw it up if you must” yesyesandyes

  4. thekei3

    Reblogged this on TheKei3.

  5. Really taken by this one. Thank you for sharing

  6. No wonder you’ve been on my brain for the last several days…you’ve been singing your mama song!
    This was absolutely gorgeous, Nicole. I giggled and cried throughout :
    “you are practicing self defense beneath my flesh” ….so good!

    Your writer’s heart will only grow stronger after he is born. I wrote my first poem for my daughter…just today! It only took me 20 years 🙂

    • You always seem to sense these things, my beautiful friend 🙂 thank you so much! I quickly clicked your link and read your poem and holy crap….I am lucky to be surrounded by such talent, seriously. It only continues to motivate me!! Xoxo

  7. WOW, I loved this! I especially resonated with this line:
    “I like to imagine my writer’s heart

    beats like the honey of a romance novel,

    appreciating with intensity every soft thump of life.”

  8. Very beautiful and touching!

  9. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:
    WORTHY of the thoughts of a new mother.

  10. I may just be a potato, but we know a good poem when we see it. You win.

  11. thegeekiswriting

    This was absolutely beautiful. I just got immersed in the poem. The description, the writing, it was all really good. I loved it!

  12. Nice .. You’re really into your writing. ! 2 thumbs up

  13. Very heartfelt, really enjoyed that 🙂

  14. Beautiful tribute and welcome to your son! 🙂

  15. This is fantastic! I loved the heartbeat description

  16. at least do me this favor, son: read every word.
    chance it. swallow it down and throw it up if you must.
    this is your story, the most important I’ll ever write.
    – simply lays down the love of a parent. it is beautiful. congratulations!!!!

  17. Wow! I loved everything about this…the concept,the words..excellent!!…

  18. Reblogged this on The Errorist Manifesto and commented:
    A lovely poem on pregnancy. Full of hope and anticipation.

  19. Lovely. I had to reblog this.

  20. Reblogged this on scerah and commented:

  21. Amazing!!!!!!!!!! I really felt deep in it

  22. “glass smooth jazz, a jagged pop beat?”…. love the description

  23. What beautiful words, and a wonderful expression of a mother’s bond to her child, and the wishes she has for them!

  24. Beautiful poem…I’m sure your son will inspire you more and be your biggest fan as mine is for me 🙂

  25. honeaangela

    So lovely! Beautiful❤️

  26. Beatuful, indeed. Motherhood is bliss – from conception on…

  27. I like to wish that one day you’ll tell me how.y heartbeat sounds from the inside. Absolutely amazing line.

  28. Thank you!
    You inspire me….

  29. Oh, my, I know this well. I stood in that same spot in a room (though it was winter and there was no fan) with a cradle (instead of a bassinet) and reflected similarly. Beautiful words.

    • It’s been a surreal experience so far, Mary. I can’t wait until my little one is here and it gets even better! 🙂 I’m glad this brought back some warming memories for you. Thank you for reading!

      • People talk of the immense effort momhood brings along. They forget to mention the enormous joy, incomparable satisfaction and the love that seems to tear through your heart! It’s bliss!!!!

  30. Very sweet words. Hopefully when he turns from fetus to boy and boy to man you will document via poem too.

  31. jhorel freeborn

    Reblogged this on Jhorel's Blog.

  32. jhorel freeborn

    Reblogged this on Jhorel's Blog.

  33. Reblogged this on Does Not Abide and commented:

  34. I am in awe of what i just read. To follow it with another word – ‘wow!’

  35. This is really beautiful, it has captured the essence of a mother’s love, which is saying something.

  36. Wonderful poem. Will be there in memory for a long time, I am sure!

  37. You have the mother thing pegged! I don’t think I have ever heard it put so beautifully before-great perspective!

  38. oh I loved this! Beautiful piece. Thank you for sharing!

  39. Reblogged this on beautifulcorvette and commented:
    someday I’ll have even more to say & write

  40. This is really beautiful. I’m new around these parts and just started looking for people to follow. Yours was one of the first. Awesome poem. Love it.

  41. rhea1280

    awesome 😊

  42. Beautiful.


  43. Amazing poem. Very nicely written.

  44. A wonderful poem. Refreshing subject choice also. 🙂

  45. poetanfaz

    No words can describe the beauty of this piece of art!!!!
    Its too beautiful

  46. abedaydin


  47. Wonderful, Nicole. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed. Well deserved.

  48. Elzie Jackson

    Awesomely beautiful

  49. Elzie Jackson

    Reblogged this on elziejackson.

  50. this was really strong. ❤

  51. “this is your story, the most important I’ll ever write” This line was the one that hit me the most, this sweet poem makes me so excited to be able to one day dedicate my life to raising my kids. I wish you the best of luck with your baby boy once he’s here!!

  52. averageweirdhuman

    Love it 🙂

  53. Mom

    So excited to see you “Freshly Pressed!”
    Congrats ❤

  54. Reblogged this on Mamawhelmed and commented:

  55. impressive writing, dope words..

  56. Amazing! Loved every line of it! 🙂

  57. twentyythreee

    so beautiful it can melt any child down. (;
    god bless x

  58. Pingback: museum of me |

  59. This is wonderful….congratulations on FP!!

  60. Feel free to follow me, I am a new blogger 🙂

  61. Beautiful. My daughter is expecting her first baby, so I’m connecting as a grandmother to be. Thank you. Inspires me to write about whatb I am feeling.

  62. thecaptivatedmuse

    Beautiful ❤

  63. elipjames

    Very truthful

  64. Reblogged this on omardpoet and commented:
    Poetry is taking over

  65. Had me reminiscing on my days as a mother with a newborn; clueless to a new being yet familiar with what is naturally inside me. Beautiful!

  66. Joshua

    That was a great poem.

  67. Joshua

    Reblogged this on MOTIVATUS.

  68. I wanna cry now and hug my baby, thanks Nicole for this lovely moment, ur talented

  69. Juliette

    Reblogged this on Written by Juliette and commented:

  70. Fictionari

    Reblogged this on Fictionari's Blog.

  71. JMD398

    Amazing piece, one I’m sure your son can enjoy- will enjoy.

  72. danielmadeira

    Good stuff. I enjoy to read it!

  73. Beautiful words totally mesmerising

  74. I felt immersed in the story, its beautiful!

  75. For me, the first three stanzas are exquisite….absolutely exquisite. “cocooned to me….practice knowing the smell of you…I stay up later than I’m barely able just to shake hands with the exhaustion we’ll happily lend a room to….” Just amazing words put to the absolutely beautiful experience of birthing and having children. I am many many years your senior I’m certain…(look at my About)…but I remember so clearly walking down the street so slowly, big encumbered, so ready to have my child…sciatica making me hold my back…being passed by 80 year old men on the street, and smiling a huge grin — so incredibly happy knowing what was to come. This is truly beautiful. I’m so happy I came upon it. I shall enjoy following you! Hope you’ll take a peek at me…I am so new to this….and enjoying immensely. “Use your words” was a phrase I said so often when our children were 2, 3, 4 — when they would utter those high pitched screams or whine: “Use your words” — and here I am now, following the same moniker! Bravo for this beautiful beautiful piece!

    • Lillian, your comment made me smile! Thank you so much for stopping by. I’m so glad you enjoyed this piece. Congratulations to you on raising your own children! I am so excited to join the motherhood club. I will be following along over at your page as well. Xoxo

  76. Wow that is amazing 😉 it made this prego mama cry tears of joy of course.

  77. todessakane2013

    This is so beautiful!! Having had the great privilege of being a mum 6 times over your words truly resonated with me and touched my soul. Thank you and God bless for sharing, it was a wonderful blessing 🙂

    • That is so wonderful! Congrats to you on playing mommy to 6 children! Thank you for your kind words too, I’m so glad you enjoyed this 🙂

      • todessakane2013

        It was wonderful to read thank you 🙂 Have a blessed and beautiful rest of the week and keep up the great work 🙂

  78. This is good poetry. Much is not.

  79. intiisar

    This is beauty ❤

  80. Getting ready for your son’s entrance into this world. You are loving him and coaching him already. Tying his outward journey to his (now) inward journey and wanting to know, later, what the inward journey felt like to him (your heartbeat) and promising him things to come in his outward journey. Very nice.

  81. harrisonblakemwanzi

    Reblogged this on Blake the poet.

  82. Beautiful! I just wrote about my baby girl too and then stumbled across you blog. I love it

  83. I’m not a mother but you’ve captured motherhood with such visceral passion.

  84. graphicvolver

    beautiful poetry!

  85. gaymanssurvivalguide

    Reblogged this on gaymanssurvivalguide.

  86. Thank you
    Fantastic Blog
    Good luck
    My Blog

  87. Bless this poem it is so beautiful.

  88. Beautiful and very touching..

  89. Nice poem, I enjoyed reading it;

  90. This poem is really astonishing! I never really like poems, but this one is really good!

  91. Its so beautiful 🙂

  92. Amazing. Loved every bit of it.

  93. WOW! This is great! I could never use words that well! Thanks for sharing!!

  94. S.W. Biddulph

    I love good prose poetry and, frankly, there are not a lot of poets that pull it off. This was a nice poem. It had a sweet and nurturing message of love and relationship. Its lines were filed with meaning fanciful rather than adjectives firing for effect.

  95. S.W. Biddulph

    *meaning rather than fanciful…*

  96. Nicole Marie, I am a poet mama as well, and have found that my boys themselves, are the greatest poems I will ever write. Everything I have I give to them, and in the process of trying to mother them, and trying to give them every good thing, the way they turn out – the gifts they bring to the world, the courtesy they show and the ability to know my heart and give me gifts that floor me… they leave me speechless. Thank you. This is absolutely gorgeous.

    • Thank you for such an amazing comment, Liesl!!! You sound like you have the mama thing down – congratulations on being blessed with such lovely children. I can’t wait to be able to share similar experiences with my own son. Thank you for reading, I’m so happy you enjoyed this piece. 🙂

  97. Pingback: I’m Going to Be a Mommy! |

  98. sincerelythenorm

    Reblogged this on passionlovehappiness-.

  99. Pingback: #BeReal – NICOLE MARIE | hastywords

  100. M&L

    This is so beautiful, so raw. This sounded like my heart, and to relate to another writer’s voice is to know that you’re not alone. Left me blurry eyed. Just beautiful!

  101. Pingback: Looking Back… |

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